Crossing The Finish Line - Part 1

Jan 7, 2024    Pastor James Ford Jr.

We are the start of the new year, at the starting line. Sometimes we start with a fire and end with a fizzle. Too many of us want to obtain but not maintain, we have too many excuses. Those who want to do something find a way, those who don’t find an excuse.

The Bible tells us about everyone who crossed the finish line because they realized that Jesus died for their sins and not for their excuses. We have folk who witness to us that we can cross the finish line irrespective of our issues, such as being too old or too young, our former lifestyle or not having enough Bible knowledge. 

Today we start our study on what we need to do to cross the finish line. 

The psalmist was correct when he said, this is the day the Lord has made, and guess what we should do? Rejoice and be GLAD in IT! Welcome to Christ Bible Church online worship space! We welcome you to sing, pray, fellowship through the chat and give as the Lord leads you! 


Here are some helpful links for you! 


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