40 Daniel Fast Day 12

What have you received? 

1 Peter 4:10  As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace
Some time ago, I used to play basketball, and of course, I was in shape and was able to run a few games in a day. When I would travel to the court, I would usually travel with players I was very familiar with; you don’t show up to courts expecting to pick players when you arrive! Usually, when you call next, you already have your squad together. However, there was one guy who wasn’t that good, but I would pick him, not for his shooting abilities, nor was it for his rebounding; he was what we called “the cleanup man” this guy would dive for the ball; he would hustle better than anyone because he did what others wouldn’t do. It was a gift, and it was indeed a talent. We needed people like him because they allowed more opportunities for shooters and a better position for rebounders. But he served our team well. Peter wants us all to know that we have received a gift. Not just for you to keep it to yourself, but to serve one another.

Can I ask you a question? Do you see your gift, talent, and ability as a gift to your local church? If so, are you using it in the church? Before you say, I don’t have one; not true. You may not know it, but you have one; Peter tells us each one, which includes you, has received one or more spiritual gifts from God. This is a talent or an ability that the Holy Spirit empowers. This gift is expected to be used in the church. Can I ask you a question, how do we think we can continue the work of the ministry and spread the gospel without the gifts working? We need the gift of teaching so you can understand clearly how to apply God’s word. We need the gift of administration to keep organization coming along in the church. We need the gift of generosity; how else will we care for those who can’t take care of themselves and pay our bills as a church? We need all of these gifts for the body to serve one another. Saints, when you humbly recognize your partnership in the body of Christ, then your gift can be used effectively.
What gifts do you know about?
Are you using them now? Have you spoken with anyone about them?
If you know, I want to challenge you now to go to the connection tab on the app or website and fill it out!
Romans 12:6-8
1 Corinthians 12:4-11, 27-31
Ephesians 4:11-12
Lord, thank You for the many gifts You have given me and the gifts You have given my brothers and sisters. Lord, I pray that as a church, we take this time to reflect and refocus, that we would gain more gifts and talents to be added to the body. We, as a church, are believing for 50 more believers to step up and serve in our local congregation. We believe that the harvest is plenteous, and we pray for the members of CBC to be obedient to Your leading in Jesus' name, amen!

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