40 Day Daniel Fast Day 38

What does your Service say about you?

Colossians 3:23  Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men
If authentic worship reflects the way we live, then our worship should be reflected in the service we give, which includes everything we do! I know we love to work from our heart, and we have all of these passion projects, but what happens when the passion fades? What happens when the people we work with make us feel like we aren’t valued enough? What about when the pay isn’t what you expected? Guess what we should think about, or should I say who we should think about? The Lord, because our service, our work, our motivation for why we do what we do is unto the Lord. Paul is encouraging us to think and apply this truth to our lives; whatever we do, we are to work as if it is directly for the Lord; why? Because it is for the Lord!
Walk into work/ministry/whatever service position you have tomorrow ready to report to the Lord as your boss! And treat your co-workers as if the Lord was standing right by you!
Ephesians 6:6-7
Romans 14:8
2 chronicles 31:21
As I present my body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to you, Father, help me see my work and all of the services I give as a direct reflection of my worship to you. Your word reminds me that I am to work unto you; I am to consider you in everything I do. Holy Spirit, please bring back to my remembrance these things I have learned to stay consistent in my walk, to be conformed to the image of Christ, in Jesus' name amen

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